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Charity for August/September 2019
over 5 years ago
Charity for August/September 2019

1st Lismore Scout Group

Scouting provides young Australians with fun and challenging opportunities to grow through adventure and a chance to make new friends. Scouting aims to nurture young people and encourage them to become responsible citizens and leaders in their community.

Today’s Scouts can take part in a variety of outdoor activities, from ‘traditional Scouting skills’ such as camping and bush craft, through to more extreme challenges such as abseiling, overnight hiking, rafting, canoeing, rock climbing, sailing and even flying!

Scouts can also become involved in performing arts, leadership development, community service, amateur radio operation, environmental projects and large-scale Scouting events where they can meet other Scouts from around Australia and the world!

The local scout group (1st Lismore) has a long and proud history in this district and recently celebrated its centenary. It currently runs a Cub Section (8 – 11 years old) and a Scout Section (11 – 15 years old). If you are interested in finding out more about membership and meeting times, please contact Nigel Watts (Group Leader):